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Tawheed for Children
Tawheed for Children
The Gems of Ramadan
Series - 28 Lectures
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Day 1 - Shackle Your Inclinations
Day 2 - Yearning to Allah
Day 3 - Secrets with Allah
Day 4 - Fasting is For Me
Day 5 - Women in Ramadan
Day 6 - Catch the Breeze
Day 7 - Let the Competitions Begin
Day 8 - Make Allah Happy
Day 9 - Make Allah Happy II
Day 10 - He Responds to Invocations
Day 11 - The Arrows of the Night Never Miss!
Day 12 - A Finger worth more than 1000 Soldiers
Day 13 - Revive Abandoned Worships!
Day 14 - Befriend The Qur'an
Day 15 - The Power of the Qur'an
Day 16 - They Give to the Poor, Orphan, and Captive
Day 17 - Sweetness in Fasting (Siyam)
Day 18 - Our Spain & Ramadan!
Day 19 - Final Ten Days of Ramadan
Day 20 - The Night of Destiny: Laylat Al-Qadr
Day 21 - 'Ayn Jalut In Ramadan
Day 22 - 'Ayn Jalut in Ramadan II
Day 23 - 'Izzah in Ramadan
Day 24 - 'Izzah in Ramadan II
Day 25 - Fasting of the Tongue
Day 26 - Fasting of the Tongue II
Day 27 - Fasting of the Tongue III
Day 28 - Saying Goodbye to Ramadan